04 September 2006

Friendly Fire

What is friendly fire? Unfortunately, it is a fact of war and always has been. An oft cited quotes states that, "No battle plan survives the first contact with the enemy intact." Combat is a state of reality that is within half a step from utter confusion. Sometimes that half step is on the wrong side of the line and tragedy strikes. That happened today during Operation Medusa.

Private Mark Anthony Graham was lost to an airstrike from an American A-10 that missed its mark. The media has not yet been able to give his name but some details of the action that took his life and injured others has come out. Can anyone comment on who this soldier was, what he liked to do and what he stood for in his own mind?

4 September 2006
Private Mark Anthony Graham
Killed by U.S. A-10 attack aircraft.
National Post Article on 4 Sep 06 Friendly Fire Incident