08 December 2006

They Shall Not Grow Old

I have been away from this for a while but while I was away from my post the Soldiers in Afghanistan have been at theirs. They have been doing the hard job and some have given their lives for something that is bigger than they are and bigger than we all are.
Every time something bad happens we hear that we should pull out of Afghanistan and "What are we doing there anyways?" I heard one of my co-workers say that there is no way that this is a 3 Block War - it is just combat hurting people who didn't ask us to be there anyways. We only hear about the combat and security sides of this action from the news. A 3 Block War involves humanitarian and reconstruction activities. Our people are doing all of that. What has anyone heard about the other parts of the mission in Afghanistan that you just don't hear from the CBC?
I have posted the names and short dits about all the Soldiers who have lost their lives over there. Follow the title link to the list and click on the names to see what I have found about the people there. Most of them are pretty sketchy right now. I am waiting for comments on each of them to flesh that out. I will incorporate good bits from comments into the articles on each so that everyone can learn about these fine people. I start with the captions from Wikipedia for each but I want to have stories from those who knew and loved them.
Thank you.